idea is the new sexy可惜还是把20年前的 idea 回锅热了一遍等于自己洗自己的稿其实脑机、元宇宙、虚拟实境……当下的时代已越来越接近《红墙绿瓦电视剧》的初始设定未来的某一天不知会否有更多中年妇女王翠花、张翠花忽然抛夫弃子“醒悟”自己其实是崔妮蒂20多年过去了标榜 real 的艾欧城还是那个穷德性换我也宁可天天待在矩阵里反正我梦里也经常飞呢
Well, that's what we do.We fight.You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch,and I tell you when you're being a pain in the ass.Which you are 99% of the time.I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings.They have like a two second rebound rate,and you're back doing the next